Topics Coined to Music

Topics to Learn Which Are Coined to Music

There are certain topics that are linked to music even though it is not directly, but they relate to each other.

I'm Chris Nolasce and for a few days I will talk about some topics related indirectly to music.

Music is not only theories about what it is, what it has or contains, or only knowing that it's something we can study. These studies of music go beyond the theories some teacher tell you music only is about.

Today we'll talk about guitar lessons.

To learn how to play guitar as a pro, the first thing we need to know is:
  • What is music?

(You can find a better definition of "music" by clicking on What Is Music?)

Music is an art form and cultural activity whose medium is sound organized in time.
  • What is sound?

Sound is the vibration of air particles, which travels to your ears from the vibration of the object making the sound.  These vibrations of sound in the air are called sound waves.
  • What is art?

Art is a diverse range of human activities in creating visual, auditory or performing artifacts (artworks), expressing the author's imaginative or technical skill, intended to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power.
  • What is time?

Time is the canvas that helps in the realization and organization of sound and works like that in which we print our melodies and harmonies.

After knowing that we have to start searching for what a guitar is and how many types of guitars there are.
  • What is the guitar?

The guitar is a stringed musical instrument formed by a hollow wooden box with an elongated shape with a slight narrowing in the middle, a circular hole in the middle and an arm (neck) along which the strings extend (usually six) and at the end of which the tuning pegs are located, allowing the instrument to be tuned.

Parts of the acoustic guitar

Types of guitars
  • Acoustic guitar

Acoustic guitar is a type of guitar with nylon and wire strings, but they can also be made of metal, whose sound is generated by the vibration of strings that are amplified in a wooden speaker or some acrylic.

  • Flamenco guitar

In Spain there is a very widespread variant, similar to classical guitar, which is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, known as flamenco guitar. It varies its sound by a slightly different construction and the use of different types of wood. The flamenco guitar has a more percussive sound, its box is a bit narrower, and generally the strings are closer to the fretboard, which facilitates its execution.

  • Italian guitar

The Italian guitar (chitarra battente) is a type of traditional guitar from southern Italy (Calabria, Puglia, Basilicata, Abruzzo, Molise and Campania). It exists since the fourteenth century and one of its distinctive features is that it has a shape of eight elongated.

  • Electric guitar

An electric guitar is a guitar with one or more electromagnetic transducers called pads or microphones that convert string vibrations into electrical signals capable of being amplified and processed.

  • Electroacoustic guitar

An electroacoustic guitar is an acoustic guitar to which you have added pads, microphones or transducers to amplify their sound. Also they are called electrified guitars, term that we have to be considered synonymous, and that emphasizes the fact that the system of previous one can have been installed in origin or by the own user.

  • Guitarra MIDI

They are special guitars or adapters for conventional guitars that allow to control a synthesizer via MIDI (protocol of data transmission that allows to send musical information between different devices connected by means of cables). In this way, a guitarist who does not have the ability to play a keyboard or an electronic organ can shoot them from a MIDI guitar.

  • Renaissance and Baroque Guitars

The Renaissance guitar and baroque guitar are the instruments that were interpreted during the Renaissance and Baroque. These are ancestors of classical guitars.

  • Peasant Guitar (Viola Caipira)

This guitar, common in Brazilian folklore, is smaller than a Spanish guitar, although its proportions are similar. It consists of five orders of metal strings that unlike the acoustic guitars are pressed with the nails. It can be tuned in many ways, with open tunings being common.

  • Russian guitar

This guitar has seven strings instead of six. The tuning of this guitar is completely different from the Spanish one; traditionally, an open tuning in G major is used. Another Russian folk instrument is Balalaika, which although pulsed string is very similar in form or in an interpretative technique to the guitar since it has three strings and two with the same pitch.

Funny fact, no?

More topics coined to music will come.

God bless you!


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