Music as An Education Tool

Using Music for Education

Learning has always been a hard and difficult process, both for the teacher and the student, but when including music as a tool this process is facilitated.

I'm Chris Nolasce and I'm going to talk about music in education.

Before, education was based on the transmission of knowledge in a natural and simple way, and nowadays, we have some techniques and strategies that make this transmission pleasant for the teacher and interesting for the students, favoring active participation and even learning by itself and autonomously, with which the mere transmission of knowledge now becomes a satisfactory process of motivating learning.

Even so, the teaching-learning process is not always pleasant and motivating, but sometimes the students can see learning as something "boring", which they force them to do. This may be due to the child's lack of interest in obtaining certain knowledge related to the subject, due to poor teacher motivation in the school during the teaching-learning process, due to insufficient use of educational resources, such as musical instruments, audio tapes, etc., because of the monotonous nature of the teaching process of some teachers or because of the family environment in which the student develops, a very important factor in life and in the progressive development of the child.

Music is an attractive resource that can favor learning because of the importance it has today in our lives, and therefore it is convenient to work from all its dimensions, since not only should be limited to music study itself, in its corresponding time, but it is also convenient to favor an approach and enjoyment to the musical process, which can be globalized in the other learnings of the different areas that take place in the classroom.

Any educational topic can be related to music, in the knowledge of children's courses, where this resource is very present today, we can find songs, both children's and people's, sound stories, dramatizations, etc. ... related to different centers of interest such as Christmas, autumn ...

Through the organization by corners, inside the classroom, we can discover the "music corner", a delimited space of the class, where students can freely manipulate the musical instruments found there, such as maracas, triangles, keys ... and other percussion instruments appropriate to their age.


Among all the skills that need to be acquired during the degree, the ones most closely related to this work are the following:

  1. Ability to understand that systematic observation is a basic instrument for reflecting on practice and reality, as well as contributing to innovation and improvement in early childhood education.
  2. Ability to master the techniques of observation and registration.
  3. Know how to approach the field analysis through observational methodology using information, documentation and audiovisual technologies.
  4. Ability to analyze the data obtained, critically understand the reality and prepare a report of conclusions.
  5. Know the oral tradition and folklore.
  6. To know the musical, plastic and corporal expression foundations of the curriculum of the infantile stage, as well as the theories about the acquisition and development of the corresponding learning.
  7. Be able to use songs, resources and musical strategies to promote auditory, rhythmic, vocal and instrumental education in individual and collective children's activities.
  8. Be able to use the game as a didactic resource, as well as design learning activities based on playful principles.
  9. Be able to develop didactic proposals that promote musical perception and expression, motor skills, drawing and creativity.
  10. Acquire practical knowledge of the classroom and the management of it.
  11. Be able to relate theory and practice to the reality of the classroom and the center.
  12. Participate in the teaching activity and learn to know how to do, acting and reflecting from the practice, with the perspective of innovating and improving the teaching work.


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